Month: December 2013

  • A letter to the Xanga Team | oburi

    A letter to the Xanga Team | oburi.

    Zakiah dug up some of the contact information for John on the Xanga Team, since the Team seems to have disappeared into the sunset. Here it is for you.
    Xanga Com, Inc
    555 8th Avenue # 910
    New York, NY 10018 – View Map

    Phone: (212) 695-4940

    While I’m not much of a phone-talker, I can definitely email up a storm. And that’s exactly what I did:

    So you met your fundraising goal and moved some of us to the new WordPress platform. Great. Awesome.

    Perhaps you would care to explain why users that’d had Premium accounts before the move still aren’t able to access their accounts. Or why the Xanga Team seems to have disappeared almost immediately after the move. Even Xanga’s Facebook page has gone silent. Seriously, what the fuck is going on?

    It’s ridiculous that you’re charging users for the bullshit you’ve “given” us. You’ve completely disabled the communication that had once made Xanga so amazing. We don’t get notifications when someone responds to a comment on a post. Hell, we can’t even reply to people directly from our own posts. We have to open up two windows; one for the dashboard so we can reply, and one for the actual post so we can read the entire comment. We no longer have private messaging, we can’t customize our themes, we literally can’t do ANYTHING that we used to be able to do. And yet you charge us money for this.

    You do realize that the basic free WordPress has so much more to offer us, right? While we don’t get private messaging, and I can live with that, really, at least we get notifications and the ability to actually communicate with people. And we can choose from just about any theme or customize our own.

    Any legitimate business would have given us a preview of what the new platform would’ve looked like before asking its users for money. Speaking of money, Google says that Xanga has an annual revenue of between $500k-1m. Why on earth would you need users to donate to the platform transition if you’re making that much money?

    I can assure you that nearly all of the people that had donated money and remained loyal to Xanga are incredibly dissatisfied with your “product.” I will not be renewing my subscription, nor will the vast majority of your users. Your fundraiser was a scam, plain and simple. You and your team should be disgusted with yourselves. I suggest you all get off your ample asses and do something to fix this.

    I urge you all to blow up his email and phone. It may or may not do any good, but at least he’ll know how deeply unsatisfied we all are.